Funeral Notices & Condolences
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Ann McGee (née Rochford)
McGee, (née Rochford), Ann, May 31st, 2024. Templeogue ,D6W, formerly from Norfolk Road, Phibsborough. Pre-deceased by her brother Des Rochford. Peacefully, following a long illness surrounded by her loving family, in the wonderful care of the staff in Tallaght University Hospital.
Beloved wife of Paddy. Ann will be forever loved and sadly missed by her family, her husband Paddy, brother Ben, sisters-in-law Mary, Pauline, brother-in-law Terry niece Evelyn, nephews Paul, John, David, grand nieces, grand nephews, extended family, relatives and a wide circle of friends.
May Ann’s gentle soul Rest in Peace.
Reposing at her residence on Thursday June 6th from 5pm until 7pm. Removal on Friday morning to St. Jude the Apostle Church, D6W E336, arriving for 10am Requiem Mass, with burial thereafter in Mount Venus Cemetery.
To view Ann’s Requiem Mass please click here.
To leave a message of sympathy for the family please click here and on the condolence section at the bottom of the page.
All further enquiries to Massey Bros. Templeogue. PH:014907601
Danuta Szymanska
Szymanska, Danuta (Late of Dublin and formerly of Turek, Poland) - 30th of May, 2024, peacefully surrounded by her family under the care of all the nurses and doctors in St. Vincent's Hospital.
Beloved mother to Norbert, Sylwia, Nina and Monika. Sadly missed by her loving children, grandchildren Eryk, Dzesika, Laura, and Kewin, Norbert's partner Marzena, Sylwia's partner Radoslaw, Monika's partner Christian, and Nina's partner Ross, brothers Jozef, Kazimierz and Andrzej, sisters Bozena and Ryszarda, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends.
May she Rest in Peace.
Reposing at Massey Bros Funerals, 109 Emmet Road, Dublin 8, D07 HK30 on Wednesday, 5th of June from 5pm to 7pm. Funeral arriving to Mt Jerome Crematorium, Victorian Chapel on Thursday, 6th of June for service at 3.15pm. To view Danuta's funeral service, please click here.
Family flowers only please. Donations if desired to Irish Cancer Society. If you would like to donate in memory of Danuta, please click here.
All enquiries to Massey Bros Funerals, 014533333.
Ze smutkiem zawiadamiamy o śmierci Danuty Szymańskiej ( mieszkającą w Dublinie,Irlandia; pochodzącą z Turku, Polska) - 30 Maja 2024, w pokoju otoczona rodziną, pod opieką pielęgniarek i lekarzy Szpitala Św. Wincentego.
Ukochana mama Norberta, Sylwii, Niny i Moniki. Z żalem tęskniącymi dziećmi, wnukami Erykiem, Dżesiką, Laurą i Kewinem, partnerką Norberta Marzeną, partnerem Sylwii Radosławem, partnerem Moniki Christianem i partnerem Niny Rossem, braćmi Józefem, Kazimierzem i Andrzejem, siostrami Bożeną i Ryszardą, siostrzenicami, siostrzeńcami, dalszą rodziną, sąsiadami i przyjaciółmi.
Niech spoczywa w pokoju.
Ciało będzie wystawione w Massey Bros, 109 Emmet Road, Dublin 8, D07 HK30 w środę, 5 Czerwca od 17:00 do 19:00. Ceremonia pogrzebowa w krematorium Mt Jerome w Kaplicy Wiktoriańskiej w czwartek, 6 Czerwca o godzinie 15:15. Aby obejrzeć ceremonię pogrzebową Danuty kliknij tutaj.
Aby przekazać rodzinie prywatną wiadomość z kondolencjami, kliknij tutaj lub sekcję z kondolencjami poniżej.
Prosimy tylko o kwiaty rodzinne. W razie potrzeby datki na rzecz Irlandzkiego Towarzystwa Onkologicznego. Jeśli chcesz przekazać darowiznę na rzecz pamięci Danuty, kliknij tutaj.
Tom Fogarty
Fogarty, Tom – 31st May 2024 - Late of Sycamore Rd, Finglas East. Passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family.
Tom will be very sadly missed by his beloved wife Kay, daughters Tracy and Kim, sons Anthony and Gary, grandchildren Nadine, Adam, Darragh, Ryan, Saul, Lewis, Aoife, Harry, Jamie and Drew, Sister Marie, nephew Richard, nieces, nephews, extended family neighbours and friends.
May he Rest in Peace.
Reposing at his residence on Tuesday 4th June from 4pm - 6pm. Removal on Wednesday morning to St. Canice’s Church, Finglas Village, for Requiem Mass at 11.30am, followed by burial in Glasnevin Cemetery.
To view Tom’s Funeral Mass, please click here.
All enquires to Massey Bros., Finglas on (01) 836 1011.
Michael Dwyer
DWYER, Michael, May 29th 2024, Frankfort Avenue, Rathgar D6. Suddenly but peacefully at home.
Loving and much-loved father of Peter, son of Benjamin Snr. Michael will be forever loved and dearly missed by his son, father, his sisters Susan and Ann, his brothers Liam, Brian and Benjamin, daughter-in-law Aoife, sisters-in-law Marie and Brenda, extended family, relatives and friends especially Carol and Michael.
Jai Guru Dev.
Reposing at Massey Bros. Funeral Home, Templeogue Village, D6W AC82, on Tuesday 4th June from 12 noon with removal to the Victorian Chapel, Mt. Jerome Crematorium, Harold’s Cross, D6W HY98 for a service to celebrate Michael’s life at 2.30pm followed by cremation for close friends and relatives.
To view Michael’s service, please click here.
No Flowers Please.
All further enquiries to Massey Bros. Funeral Directors, Templeogue Village on PH: (01) 490 7601.
Bridget Cantwell (née Fleming)
Cantwell (née Fleming), Bridget - 31st May 2024 - Late of Finglas South, formerly of Carrigamuck, Co. Wicklow. Predeceased by her husband Eddie and son Kevin and son in law Brian. Passed away peacefully surrounded by her loving family.
Bridget will be very sadly missed by her children Ann, Cathy, Eddie and Tina, daughter in law Diane and son in law Jimmy and grandchildren Lindsey, James, Connor, Chloe, Shane, Sean, Kevin, and Caitlin, sister Mary, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends.
May she Rest in Peace.
Reposing in her residence on Friday 7th June 2024 from 3pm – 5pm. Removal on Saturday morning to St. Finian’s Oratory, Glenties Drive, Finglas South, D.11 for Requiem Mass at 10am followed by burial in Glasnevin Cemetery.
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Finglas on (01) 836 1011.
Eamon Dolan
Dolan, Eamon, 30th May, 2024, Killiney, Co. Dublin and formerly of Phibsborough, Dublin 7. Peacefully, surrounded by his family in the exceptional care of all the staff of the Blackrock Hospice. Beloved husband of Pat (deceased).
Deeply missed by his loving sons Leigh and Evan, daughters-in-law Carolyn and Neasa, adored grandchildren Laura, Emily, Henry, Sarah, Grace and Thomas, devoted brother and sister John and Rosemary, sisters-in-law Margery, Noreen, Ann and Rosaleen, brother-in-law Cecil, nieces and nephews, half-brothers, half-sister, extended family and wide circle of friends.
May he Rest in Peace.
Reposing at Massey Bros. Funeral Home, Blackrock, Friday 31st May, 2024 from 2.30pm - 3.45pm. Funeral Mass will be held on Saturday 1st June 2024 in St. Alphonsus and Columba Church, Ballybrack at 10am, followed by burial in Kilternan Cemetery, Ballycorus Road, Kilternan, Dublin 18.
For those who cannot attend Eamon’s funeral mass you may view it live by clicking here.
House is private please.
Family flowers only, donations if desired to Blackrock Hospice (donate here).
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Blackrock on (01) 280 4454.
Margaret Singleton (née Cogley)
Singleton (née Cogley), Margaret, (Late of Portarlington, Co. Laois). Peacefully, surrounded by her family. Beloved mother to Glen and Gavin. Sadly missed by her loving family, sons, sisters, husband Errol, father, extended family and friends
May she Rest in Peace.
Reposing at Massey Bros Funerals, 88 A New Cabra Road, Dublin 7 (D07 ET92) on Monday, 3rd of June from 3pm to 5pm. Funeral arriving on Tuesday to the Holy Family Church, Aughrim Street, Dublin 7 on Tuesday, 4th of June for 10am funeral Mass, with cremation thereafter to Glasnevin Cemetery for service at 11.30am.
To view Margaret’s Funeral Mass, please click here. To view Margaret’s cremation service, please click here.
Family flowers only please.
All enquiries to Massey Bros Funeral Cabra on (01) 838 9774.
Angela Cullen (née McGee)
Cullen (née McGee), Angela, 30th May 2024, (late of Limekiln Road, Walkinstown). Peacefully surrounded by her loving family in the care of Clondalkin Lodge Residential Nursing Home.
Adored mam of Paul, Brian and Yvonne, and pre-deceased by her loving brother Sean, Angela will be deeply missed by her loving children, brother Michael, sisters Emma, Elizabeth and Amanda, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, daughter-in-law Sinead, grandchildren Michaela, Lee, Cory, Aaron, Kenzie, Nicole and Mia, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours, friends and especially Angela’s dearest friends Maria and Stella.
May Angela’s gentle soul Rest in Peace.
Reposing at Massey Bros. Funeral Home, 177 Crumlin Road, D12 F864, on Tuesday between 5pm and 7pm. Funeral Mass on Wednesday morning at 10am in Church of The Holy Spirit Parish, Greenhills, followed by Cremation at Mount Jerome’s Victorian Chapel.
To view Angela’s Funeral Mass through the Church webcam, please click here. To view Angela’s Cremation Service through the webcam, please click here.
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Crumlin on (01) 454 1666.
Michael Brennan
BRENNAN, Michael – 29th May 2024 - Clondalkin, Dublin 22 and formerly Ring St., Inchicore, peacefully at Tallaght Hospital surrounded by his loving family. Pre-deceased by his sister Nellie.
Beloved husband of Marie and much loved father to Michael, cherished granddad to Anna and baby Nellie in Heaven. Michael will be sadly missed and forever remembered by his heartbroken wife, son, daughter in law Trina, granddaughter Anna, sister Ann, brothers and sisters in law, nieces, nephews and his extended family and friends.
May he Rest in Peace.
Reposing at Massey Bros. Funeral Home, Clondalkin Village, D22 EOCO on Monday 3rd June between 4pm and 6pm. Funeral Mass on Tuesday 4th June at 11am in the Church of the Presentation of our Lord, Knockmitten followed by cremation in Mt. Jerome crematorium.
To view Michael's Funeral Mass on Tuesday at 11am, please click here. To view Cremation service at 1pm, please click here.
Family flowers only. Donations, if desired, to Friends of St Luke's Hospital.
All enquiries to Massey Bros, Clondalkin, ph 01.4574455.
James (Jim) Gallagher
Gallagher, James (Jim) - 29th May 2024 – late of Finglas and Iona Villas, Glasnevin – formerly Ardara, Co. Donegal, Roadstone, Excel Security and Batchelors, Cabra. Peacefully, at home.
Jim will be deeply missed, forever loved and never forgotten by his beloved wife Mai, loving daughters Sinéad and Suzanne, sons Danny and Eamon, grandchildren Lauren, Emily, Libby, Haley, Elliott, Holly and Josh, sisters Mary, Brid and Annie, brothers Donal and Paddy, sons-in-law John and Anto, daughters-in-law Tracy and Jana, brothers and sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends.
May Jim’s gentle soul Rest in Peace.
Reposing in Massey Bros Funeral Home, Main St, Finglas, D11ET7P, on Monday 3rd June from 3.00pm to 5.00pm. Removal on Tuesday morning to St. Canice’s Church, Finglas Village, arriving at 9.50am for Requiem Mass at 10.00am, followed by cremation in Glasnevin Crematorium.
To view Jim’s Funeral Mass, please click here.
Family flowers only, donations if desired, to a charity of your choice.
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Finglas on (01) 836 1011.
Breda O’Brien (née Swords)
O’ Brien (née Swords), Breda, suddenly at Beaumont Hospital on the 28th May 2024, late of Annamoe Drive, Cabra, Dublin 7.
Beloved wife of Tommy, very sadly by her loving family her husband Tommy, son Thomas, grandson Aidan, daughter in law Paula, sisters Louise and Maria, brother Domick, nieces, nephews, grand nieces and nephews, extended family , friends and neighbours.
May she Rest in Peace.
Reposing at Massey Bros. Funeral Home, 88A Cabra Road on Friday 31st May from 5pm to 7pm. Funeral Mass on Saturday at 10am in Christ the King Church, Cabra followed by cremation in Glasnevin Crematorium at 12 noon.
To view the Funeral Mass, please click here. To view the Cremation service, please click here.
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Cabra on (01) 838 9774.
Frank Woods
WOODS, Frank – 26th May 2024 - (Dunville Ave, Ranelagh, D.6 ). Peacefully in the excellent care of the staff at St. Vincent's University Hospital. Frank will be sadly missed by his relatives, friends, neighbours and his community in Ranelagh.
May he Rest in Peace.
Removal to Church of the Holy Name, Ranelagh for Requiem Mass on Tuesday, June 4th at 10:00 am followed by Cremation in Mt. Jerome Crematorium.
To view the Funeral Mass, please click here. To view the Cremation service, please click here.
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Templeogue on (01) 490 7601.
Helena (Helen) Ennis (née Lynch)
ENNIS (née Lynch), Helena (Helen) – 27th May 2024 - (Templeogue, D.6W & formerly of Old Moore Rd., Ballyfermot). Peacefully at Tallaght Hospital following an illness borne with strength and dignity surrounded by her loving daughters Kathryn and Claire.
Beloved wife of Victor, dearly loved mother of Kathryn (Duignan) and Claire. Helen will be forever loved and sadly missed by her daughters, son-in-law Mel, her treasured grandchildren Ross and Laura, sisters Maureen and Geraldine, sister-in-law Sheridan, extended family, relatives and a wide circle of cherished friends. Helen is now reunited with her dearly loved brother Liam.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
Removal to the Church of St. Jude the Apostle, Orwell Park this Friday morning (May 31st) arriving for Requiem Mass at 11 am with Cremation thereafter in Mount Jerome Crematorium.
To view the Funeral Mass, please click here. To view the Cremation service, please click here.
House Private Please.
Family flowers only please, donations if desired to the Sarah Jennifer Knott Foundation (donate here).
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Templeogue on (01) 490 7601.
Mary Roche (née Beecher)
Roche (née Beecher), Mary - 28th May 2024 - late of Blackhorse Avenue and formerly Carnew Street, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7. Passed away peacefully, surrounded by her loving family in the wonderful care of all the staff at Beneavin House nursing home, Glasnevin.
Beloved wife of the late Michael, much loved mother (Ma Roche) to her three sons David, Aidan and Brendan, cherished Nana to her grandchildren Gavin, Laoise, Aisling and Brian. Very sadly missed by her daughters-in-law Jane, Maeve, Christina, her brothers Liam and Seamus, sister-in-law Sile, nieces, nephews, extended family and friends.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam.
May Mary’s gentle soul rest in peace.
Forever in Our Hearts.
Reposing at Massey Bros, Funeral Home, Finglas D11 ET7P on Thursday 30th May from 5pm to 7pm. Removal on Friday morning to the Church of the Holy Family, Aughrim St. D07 K8Y at 9.50am for Requiem Mass at 10am, with burial thereafter in St. Fintan’s Cemetery, Sutton, D13 R858.
To view the Funeral Mass, please click here.
Family flowers only please, donations greatly accepted to the Parkinsons Association of Ireland.
All enquiries to Massey Bros, Finglas on (01) 836 1011.
Nora Corrigan (née Osborne)
Corrigan (née Osborne), (Dublin), May 28th, 2024, peacefully surrounded by her loving family at St. James’s Hospital, Nora, late of Bishop Street Flats and formerly of Oliver Bond and D.I.T Kevin Street.
Beloved wife of Joe, and much-loved mother to Lisa, cherished nanna to Joslyn and Darcy. Pre-deceased by her sister Ann. Sadly missed and always remembered by her loving husband, daughter, her son-in-law Neil, granddaughters, her brother Desmond, brother-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, and friends.
May Nora Rest in Peace.
Reposing at the Massey Bros, The Coombe, D08 AK10 on Thursday (May 30th) from 2pm to 5pm. Funeral Mass on Friday (May 31st) at 10 o’clock in Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Whitefriar Street followed by burial to Mount Jerome Cemetery.
To view the Funeral Mass, please click here.
All enquires to Massey Bros, The Coombe on (01) 453 3333.
Elizabeth (Lily) Mac Rory (née Flynn)
MacRory (née Flynn), Elizabeth (Lily), 28th May 2024. Following a long illness. Predeceased by her husband Paddy in 2021, daughter Rachel in 2002, son Hugh in 1967.
Sadly missed by her daughter Avril, son Simon, son-in-law, Val Griffin, Daughter-in-law Angelica Perez de Perez and grandson Sam Griffin. Her only surviving sister, Noreen Murphy in Limerick and her many nieces, nephews and cousins. Her devoted and loyal friends are too many to mention but we thank them for all that they did for her.
May she Rest in Peace.
Elizabeth will repose on Friday 31st of May in Massey Bros. Funeral Home, Blackrock from 5pm to 7pm, her funeral will take place at 10am on Saturday 1st June at St. Michael's Church, Dún Laoghaire. Internment follows at Shanganagh Cemetery, Shankill.
For those who cannot attend the Funeral Mass, you may view it live by clicking here.
Family flowers only please. Donations if desired to the Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre, St. Vincent Hospital, Dublin 4.
Elizabeth's family would especially like to thank the staff at Glengara Nursing Home for their loving care.
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Blackrock on (01) 280 4454.
James (Jim) Mulvany
Mulvany, James (Jim) - 27th May 2024, Dublin 9, formerly of Mulvany Hire and Sales Ltd. Passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family.
Jim will be deeply missed by his beloved wife Amy, son Leo, daughter Grace, grandchildren Adam, Jessica, Ethan, Joe and Jamie, brother Brendan, daughter-in-law Wanping, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends.
The family would like to extend a special thanks to St Francis' Hospice, Blanchardstown, The Mater Private staff and nurses and all of the carers who looked after Jim.
Jim’s cremation service will take place on Thursday 30th May at 2.30pm in Glasnevin Crematorium. To view Jim’s cremation service please click here.
Family flowers only please, donations if desired to St Francis' Hospice, Blanchardstown, by clicking here.
All enquires to Massey Bros Funerals, Cabra on (01) 8389774.
Margaret Patricia Brady (née Ferns)
Brady (née Ferns), Margaret Patricia, 18th May 2024, (late of Captains Road, Crumlin), peacefully surrounded by her loving family in the home of her sister Ann in Greenhithe Kent.
Adored wife and best friend of the late John, Margaret will be deeply missed by her loving sisters Ann and Eilish, brothers Michael and Eddie. Margaret will be loved and sadly missed by her dear sisters, brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, extended friends in Ireland and England and further afield.
God bless you Margaret May you now Rest in Peace.
Reposing at Massey Bros. Funeral Home, 177 Crumlin Road, D12 F864, on Thursday between 2pm and 5pm. Funeral Mass on Friday morning at 10am in St. Agnes Church, Crumlin Village, followed by burial in Redford Cemetery Greystones.
To view Margaret’s Funeral Mass through the Church webcam, please click here.
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Crumlin on (01) 454 1666.
Joseph A. Brennan
Brennan, Joseph A., (Cabinteely, Dublin 18) - 26th of May 2024. (Peacefully) Surrounded by his loving family at home. Predeceased by his loving wife Jean.
Much loved father of David, Declan, Colm, Suzanne, Deborah, Michelle and Joseph. Sadly missed by his grandchildren, his great grandchild, daughter in laws, brothers, sister, nieces, nephews, extended family, and friends.
May he Rest in Peace.
Funeral Mass Thursday 30th May 2024 at 12noon in The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Foxrock and afterwards to Kilternan Cemetery.
To view the Funeral Mass, please click here.
House strictly private.
Family Flowers Only. Donations to the Irish Cancer Society.
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Blackrock on (01) 280 4454.
Pat Cunneen
CUNNEEN, Pat, 25th May 2024, The Park, Cabinteely, formerly of Limerick following a short illness surrounded by his loving family in the wonderful care of St. Vincent’s ICU.
Adored husband and best friend of Lisa, much loved dad of Max, Ben and Paddy, daughters Janet, Karen, Jacqueline, Diane and their mother Kay. He will be forever loved and sadly missed by his grandchildren Shauna, Molly, Cara, Sara, Karli, Rian and Fiadh, sister Ann, sons-in-law Mick, Vinny, James and Brian, nieces and nephews, mother-in-law Ann, brothers-in-law Stephen, Paul and Barry, extended family and a wide circle of friends and neighbours. Predeceased by his brother John.
May he Rest in Peace.
Pat’s Funeral Mass will take place on Wednesday 29th May at 10am in St. Brigid’s Church Cabinteely (D18 YP96), followed by a cremation service at 12.45pm in The Garden Chapel, Mount Jerome, Harold’s Cross (D6W HY98).
To view the Funeral Mass, please click here.
House Strictly Private.
All enquiries to Massey Bros., Blackrock on (01) 280 4454.