Funeral Costs and Payments
We know that funeral costs can be a concern for anyone responsible for arranging a funeral.
It is our role to assist you in arranging a funeral that is both a fitting tribute to your loved one and which takes into account the family’s financial circumstances.
Clarity & Choice
Massey Bros. understands that arranging a funeral can be a difficult experience for relatives and friends of the deceased. We know that funeral costs can be a concern for anyone responsible for arranging a funeral. It is our role to assist you in arranging a funeral that is both a fitting tribute to your loved one and which takes into account the family’s financial circumstances.
As members of the Irish Association of Funeral Directors, we have committed to its Code of Practice which means we discuss and agree on funeral costs when the arrangements are being made unless the family requests that they would prefer not to discuss costs at this time.
At every stage, we advise the person responsible for arranging the funeral of the costs involved and, where possible, offer a range of quality options at varying price points. When the funeral arrangements have been agreed upon, we will provide the person responsible with a detailed breakdown of the specific charges which make up the funeral cost.
Funeral charges are made up of two types of costs:
Funeral Director Charges
These relate to the services and materials provided by Massey Bros. They include, for example, the coffin or casket, hearse and limousine transport, habit/shroud and embalming.
Payments to Third Parties