Courageous Conversations - Erin’s Isle | Monday 8th May from 6pm

Massey Bros. presents a thought-provoking evening on planning for the future, end of life, funeral planning and to answer the questions that have been on your mind and help you have those courageous conversations that ultimately bring peace of mind and give you the confidence to discuss with loved ones.

We hope you can join us at:

Monday 8th May 2023
Erins Isle GAA Club, Finglas
at 6pm - 8pm

Speakers will include:

Marie Louise O’Donnell
Keynote speaker

“Finite Lives”

Mary Cunniffe
Massey Bros.

“Leaving the mess behind - our experiences of when families are left to decide what is best for your funeral”

Natasha McKenna
Natasha McKenna Solicitors

“Planning ahead – Enduring Powers of Attorney, Wills and sorting out your legal affairs”

Colm Kieran
My Farewell Wishes

“Your Funeral Wishes - what you want, what don’t want and what you didn’t even know you could have.”

Panel Discussion
with Questions and Answers

All Welcome!

Directions to Erin’s isle GAA Club


Massey Bros. Christmas Evening - This Sunday!


“A Time to Hope” - A Fundraising Concert in aid of St. Bernadette’s Church, Crumlin. Join Us in this celebration of music!