Religious Funerals
Suggested Prayers of the Faithful
Let us thank God for having given N… the gift of life and pray that he will now grant N… the greater gift of eternal life.
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
Let us praise God for all that he did through N… during his life on earth. May he have the reward of his goodness.
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
Let us pray for all those who care for the sick, especially those who cared for N… during the last illness of our friend.
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
We are all God’s creatures, so we must ask God to forgive N… for his sins and failings, confident that he will be welcomed by the whole community of saints.
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
Let us pray especially for the sorrowing relatives and friends, that the pain of their sorrow may be softened, and that the emptiness may be filled with the love of God.
Lord hear us
Lord graciously hear us
Let us pray for all who are suffering that the Lord may give them strength in their weakness. Mary was close to Jesus when he died, so we know she can understand our sorrow at this time. Let us turn to her for help. Hail Mary….
Let us now pray in silence for the repose of the soul of our friend N…
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